Horizon Studies #4 and #5
Blown, slumped and fused glass – 2016 done during a residency at S12 Gallery and Workshop in Bergen Norway.
An attempt at a reinterpretation of a horizon line during a sunset and/or a sunrise.
Photos by Pål Hoff
Horizon Studies:
In the fall of 2016 I had a residency in Bergen, Norway @ s12 gallery. The idea was to go to a place and watch the sunset by the sea and (re)interpret it or interrupt it, really this is something I have done my whole life – starting by growing up in Florida.
-Ingredients and inception -
In graduate school, I went to risd, I came across a book by M.G.J. Minnaert – light and color in the outdoors – it discusses natural phenomena and explains most things in layman’s terms. Through listening to Wilco and the Flaming Lips for years and cross pollinating songs and observing both sunsets and sunrises, in the Florida Keys by the way there are some perfect spots where you can simply sit and look east and watch the sunrise on the Caribbean and then spin around and look west from the same chair and see the sunset on the Gulf – slight tangent – back to wilco and the lips - but a sunrise is a sunset from the opposite direction… anyways these are observations of earth in a planelinear context (yeah, I know new word). An attempt to look at a horizon line through the lenses that are typically upon my face; but what happens when they are a blur or off the face and held up to the horizon - all is blurry and a focal point a place where the colors are clearer and all fades in to a form, a form unbound by constructs…. These are 3 of my so far 24 attempts – not all make it to this stage – most find a dumpster – these found you or you found them – either way I hope you enjoy